Visit the INFOhio homepage and click the button for the grade your child is in. You’ll find:
- INFOhio continues to provide access to premium content, including eBook platforms such as BookFlix and Storia, digital encyclopedias like World Book and Oxford Research, and databases like Points of View Reference Center and Science Online.
- Parent Tools: Support parents in remote, blended, or face-to-face learning environments. A frequently asked questions page for parents has been created to help with their children’s navigation of INFOhio.
- Parent Help Resources: Assist parents with educational strategies to help at home.
Today’s students can access text in both print and digital formats. They are expected to be able to understand and evaluate what they read in both formats. Skilled readers will work to make the transition to digital text, but those who are learning to read and struggling readers in elementary, middle, and high school need additional support and instruction to master comprehension and evaluation of digital text. With more students currently learning on-line, parents and teachers must address these issues and help develop digital readers. INFOhio shares tips for best practices for children.